We, the people, businesses, organisations and schools in Ipswich want our town to be a vibrant place to work, study, thrive and do business.

We recognise that:

  • Cycling and walking have an important part to play in addressing Ipswich’s challenges of pollution, congestion and inactive lifestyles.
  • Cycling and walking support business, boost economic productivity and contribute to the health and well-being of our workforce.
  • Pressure on the growing town will be relieved if more people cycle and walk.
  • Increased physical activity helps ease the burden on our health and social care services.

We want Ipswich to be a town where:

  • Children can cycle and walk to school or college safely;
  • People can travel to work safely, directly and easily on a convenient and connected cycle and footpath network;
  • Our roads and public spaces put people first and make cycling or walking the safe, natural choice for a large proportion of everyday journeys;
  • Cycling and walking contribute to our prosperity, help us stay healthy and keep people and goods moving.

We want to support our leaders in delivering this better future for the people, businesses, organisations and schools of Ipswich.

Sign as an individual

Sign as an organisation

Support for cycling and walking

Cycling is an easy way for people to build exercise into a daily routine and help to combat the heart disease, diabetes, some cancers and other problems caused by sedentary lifestyles

Dr Paul Byrne, Consultant Rheumatologist, Colchester

Our best hope of reducing dangerously high levels of physical inactivity (and reducing car journeys) is to build active travel into everyday life, rather than it being a separate activity that people must take time out of their lives to complete.

Prof Rachel Aldred, Uni of Westminster

Our aim is simple – to encourage more people to get out and about by walking, cycling and using public transport – whilst observing social distancing and Covid-19 guidelines of course. We want to embed sustainable transport as part of a long-term habit and reap the associated health, air quality and congestion benefits.

Cllr Andrew Reid, SCC Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Rural Affairs

We want people who currently drive to change to more sustainable forms of transport – to walk, to cycle or use public transport, to help make people change from driving,  we need alternatives that are easy, attractive and safe. Ipswich Borough Council are committed to playing our part in helping people make that important change.”

Cllr Ross – Ipswich Borough Council